Thursday, July 27, 2023

New Parks, Recreation and Culture Plan for Langley City

Since 2021, Langley City staff and consultants have been working on updating our City's Parks, Recreation and Culture Plan. The City's old plan dates back to 2013, so it was time for an update.

The City developed this plan with our community via surveys, workshops, interviews, and emails.

Our community is growing, and we've reached the point where we need to invest significantly in new parks and major facilities.

Today, it cost around $25 million per hectare to acquire land. We must create new parks in the northwestern part of our community. The good news is that we can collect development cost charges to acquire this land, so it will not impact existing taxpayers.

For another example, we need an indoor pool which would cost around $17 million in today's dollars to build. Unfortunately, we would not be able to use development cost charges.

The following is the list of key recommendations from the new plan.


  • Acquire new parkland within developing areas
  • Major Park upgrades to City Park, Buckley Park, Douglas Park, Nicomekl Floodplain, BC Hydro Corridor, Penzer Park, Uplands Dog off-leash Park, Innes Corners Plaza, Conder Park, Rotary Centennial Park, Sendall Gardens, Brydon Park

Outdoor Amenities

  • Upgrade Park amenities – older multi-sport courts, shade at playgrounds, washrooms
  • Add Park amenities – accessible washrooms, community gardens, dog offleash area, picnic facilities, tennis courts, skate park, beach volleyball courts, bike pump track, adventure play area


  • Acquire land to support trail connectivity
  • More trails, paving and infrastructure
  • Increase wayfinding signs, especially in Nicomekl Floodplain

Recreation and Culture Programs and Services

  • More fitness classes, lifestyle, and social programs for all ages, and visual and performing art classes
  • More outdoor programs, events
  • Childminding with fitness facilities
  • More partnership, more focus on equity, diversity and inclusion

Indoor Recreation Spaces

  • Upgrade and expand Timms Community Centre
  • Replace or significantly renovate/expand Douglas Recreation Centre

Aquatic Facilities

  • Plan and build a new indoor aquatic facility
  • Upgrade Al Anderson Memorial Pool to improve the energy use and recreation opportunities for the interim or long term

Culture and Multi-Use Facilities

  • Explore opportunities for a Public Private partnership in the development of a Performing Arts Centre
  • Explore opportunities for a fundraising campaign
  • Replace Sendall House with an environmental and multi-use facility
  • New multi-use community building to replace the again lawn bowling facility

The following maps show existing and proposed new park, trail, and plaza locations.

Existing and Proposed Parks and Trails, North. Select the map to enlarge.

Existing and Proposed Parks and Trails, South. Select the map to enlarge.

Legend for Maps of Existing and Proposed Parks and Trails. Select the image to enlarge.

I invite you to read the full Parks, Recreation and Culture Plan. Council endorsed this new plan at Monday night's Council meeting.

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