Monday, May 15, 2023

Langley City Council Approved Replacement Fire Trucks

Last week, I posted about the May 8th Langley City Council meeting and how the City received a clean bill of financial health. Today, I’ll post about some other items that Council considered.

Council approved purchasing two new fire trucks (or apparatus) to replace two older units. For the City to maintain its insurance for firefighting, we must replace these units at a prescribed interval.

The replacement Engine 12 will cost $1,762,056.23.

Spartan Rear Mount Custom Pumpers

The replacement Rescue 1 will cost $737,525.61.

E-ONE VM8 Mini Pumper.

Langley City is part of the Canoe Procurement Group of Canada, along with other governments, which helps us get lower pricing due to the bulk buying power of its 5,000 members. We used Canoe for the fire truck procurement.

Council also gave final reading to the Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Regulation Bylaw, which you can read about in a previous post.

Council gave final reading to a rezoning bylaw and issued a development permit for a 5-storey, 86-unit apartment development at 20120-20170 53A Avenue. You can read more in a previous post.

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