Monday, April 24, 2023

April 17 Council Notes: New Sewer and Storm Sewers Regulations, Crime Prevention Committee Work Plan, Other Matters

Last week, I posted about some items addressed at the Monday, April 17th, Langley City Council meeting. Today, I will post about the remaining items.

Langley City staff are working on updating many of our bylaws that are related to redevelopment. The latest bylaw to be updated is our Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Regulation Bylaw, with associated updates to our fees, charges, and fines.

The update modernizes our sewer and storm sewer regulations. For people redeveloping, it adds clarity to connecting and disconnecting services which should help speed up the construction process. The updates will also reduce the likelihood of a renovation requiring an upgrade to sewer and storm sewer services. The bylaw includes specific requirements to reduce fat, oil, and grease from entering our sewer system. It also makes it illegal to discharge carwash and pool water into the storm sewer, onto a street, a neighbouring property, or directly into a watercourse. Storm sewers drain directly into watercourses.

Council gave first, second, and third readings to these suites of updates.

With Langley City’s 2023 budget already approved Council gave first, second, and third readings to the 2023 Tax Rate Bylaw. The Tax Rate Bylaw sets the mill rate for each property class to collect $37,724,095 in property tax revenue to balance the 2023 budget. The bylaw also enables the collection of property tax for the regional district.

Council approved our Crime Prevention Committee’s 2023 Annual Work Plan. This volunteer committee’s plan for this year includes:

  • Holding the Door-to-Door Know Your Neighbour Campaign
  • Promoting Block Walk
  • Working to Reduce Mail Theft
  • Creating stronger relationships between residents & businesses and the RCMP
  • Increasing Cyber Security Awareness
  • Creating a public art piece around personal and neighbourhood safety
  • Increasing Bike Security

Langley City shares a seat on the E-Comm Board. E-Comm provides 911 call-taking and dispatch services in Langley City and most parts of BC. We share board seats with Langley Township, Surrey, and White Rock. Between 2023-27, the seats will go to Langley Township and Surrey. As per policy, Langley City approved those municipalities’ choices for representatives.

Council gave final reading to our Council Code of Conduct Bylaw and repealed the old “CO-13 – Ethical Standards of Conduct for Elected Officials” policy.

Council also gave final reading to the Inter-municipal Transportation Network Services Business Licence Bylaw.

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