Wednesday, March 22, 2023

TransLink invests $3.1 million into road, walking, and cycling improvements in Langley City

Glover Road Bike Lanes

Besides transit service, TransLink provides funding to improve and maintain the regional road network and funds active transportation infrastructure to make walking, rolling, and cycling safer and more comfortable.

TransLink has funded significant active transportation projects, including the 203rd Street, Glover Road, and 208th Street bike lanes. TransLink has also funded the Duncan Way multi-use path, Langley Bypass Logan Creek culvert replacement, and bus lanes along Fraser Highway, 203rd Street, and Logan Avenue.

TransLink is funding paving the BC Hydro trail between 53rd Avenue and 200th Street and the Downtown bike lane project, which will start construction soon.

This year, TransLink is investing an additional $3.1 million toward the following projects:

  • Building safer and protected bike lanes on the south side of Michaud Cresent - $1 million
  • Enhancing walking/rolling safety at the Douglas Crescent/203rd Street/56th Avenue intersection - $0.2 million
  • Upgrading the Langley Bypass roadway and active transportation infrastructure (from Fraser Highway to 56th Avenue)* - $1.1 million
  • Renewing the culvert under 200th Street at Brydon Creek - $0.8 million

*The City will be applying for additional funding from TransLink in 2024 and 2025 for this project

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