Wednesday, February 1, 2023

A Deeper Dive into Langley City’s Proposed 2023 Budget: On-going Operating Budget

Yesterday, I posted about the overall proposed Langley City 2023 budget and how it will impact property taxes and user fees residential and business property owners may pay to the City this year.

Today, I wanted to share what items impact taxes and user fees in the City based on the priorities that Council has set.

I encourage you to read my previous post, which provides the needed background information for today’s post.

Maintain Current Service Levels (Inflation)
  • Employee wages and benefits – collective agreements: $1,226,070
  • RCMP contract and detachment costs: $521,515
  • Fire training, maintenance supplies, dispatch costs: $168,340
  • Bank charges and tax prepayment interest: $168,250
  • Various supplies and contracted services: $117,735
  • Discover Langley City – tourism marketing: $80,000
  • Solid waste services: $42,040
  • FVRL – library services: $68,015
  • Long-term debt servicing $65,835
  • IT security and software support: $43,500
  • Financial audit fees: $29,000
  • Council remuneration, travel and benefits: $25,685
Preparing for SkyTrain
  • $15m (new debt servicing costs): $1,278,930
Investing in the Basics
  • Additional transfer to capital projects reserves for infrastructure renewal: $333,650
Enhancing Public Safety
  • Hire 2 Firefighters / Public Safety Personnel: $523,820
Addressing Poverty, Health and Homelessness
  • Social Planning Services: $180,930
Other Service Improvements
  • Urban Forest Maintenance & Watering: $140,000
  • Recreation (Supporting children & aquatics programs): $141,665
  • Enhance Community Events: $39,900
  • Maintain Downtown Summer and Winter Displays in Downtown, McBurney Plaza and Douglas Park: $35,000
  • Community Newsletters – Increase Government Transparency: $25,000
  • Other Service Level Increments: $98,880

I should note “Maintain Current Service Levels” are offset by about $1.9 million in additional revenue the City is budgeting to receive this year as a result of redevelopment, investments, and fees (that aren’t collected on your property tax bill.)

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