Over the past few years, I’ve been closely watching transit ridership recovery in Metro Vancouver. TransLink presented more information about ridership recovery at their latest board meeting.
Ridership recovery by mode. Select the table to enlarge. |
As has been the trend, ridership is recovering faster in Surrey and the South of Fraser. The following table shows recovery by subarea.
Ridership recovery by area. Select the table to enlarge. |
Ridership is the slowest to recover in Downtown Vancouver primarily due to the shift in office workers working from home or working some days at home and others in the office. Overall, the City of Vancouver still has the busiest transit routes by volume. This reduction in people going to the office may be a trend and could provide TransLink with an opportunity to shift away from a “getting people to/from Downtown Vancouver” network to a more balanced all-day, frequent, “get people anywhere” network. TransLink could redistribute service to early mornings, afternoons, and late night, which would help people get to shops, services, friends, and fun and benefit shift workers.
TransLink has already started redistributing bus service hours to the South of Fraser to meet demand.
Redistribution of transit service hours. Select the table to enlarge. |
It will be interesting to see the fall transit ridership numbers and if there is a more pronounced return to offices in Downtown Vancouver or if we are in the new normal for office worker transit use.
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