Monday, October 24, 2022

Census finds the average age of Langley City’s population hasn’t changed

People at Community Day

With the increase in population in Langley City and the construction of new apartments and townhouses over the last five years, I’ve seen many more families, and our schools have been busier. Anecdotally, it would seem that the population of Langley City is getting younger, but is that the case?

The following table looks at the broad age groups of people living in Langley City from census data.

Age Range 2016 2021
0-14 years 15.1% 15.3%
15-64 years 65.7% 64.7%
65 years and older 19.2% 20.1%
85 years and older 3.3% 2.9%

In 2016, the average age was 42.5, and the median was 42.2. The average age was 42.5, and the median was 41.2 in 2021.

In Metro Vancouver, the average age was 41.0, and the median was 40.9 in 2016. The average age was 41.7, and the median was 40.8 in 2021. Ages in Langley City and Metro Vancouver have remained relatively consistent even as the population increases.

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