Last Monday, Langley City Council heard presentations from three different organizations.
The first presentation was about the Salmon-Safe program. The Fraser Basin Council administers the Salmon-Safe program in BC. Developers or people in the agricultural sector can voluntarily apply to be certified with the program.
The certification looks at the following aspects of development projects:
- Stormwater management
- Water use management
- Erosion prevention and sediment control
- Pesticide reduction and water quality protection
- Enhancement of urban ecological function such as by providing habitat for birds, bats and pollinators, managing invasive species, and reducing light pollution
- Climate resilience planning
- Instream salmon habitat protection and restoration
- Waterway and wetland protection and restoration
The presenters noted that Langley City’s new Official Community Plan already aligns with the Salmon-Safe program and are looking for the City to promote the Salmon-Safe program when people apply to redevelop property in Langley City.
The second presentation was from Ishtar Women’s Resource Society. One service they provide is transition housing for women and children escaping abusive relationships. The presenters state there is a significant need for transition housing in Langley and that they had to turn away 700 women and children from transition housing in the last year.
The current transition housing in Langley is for shorter stays. Second-stage housing provides women and children with the support and services they need for transitioning to independent living. People typically stay in second-stage housing for up to two years.
There is no second-stage housing in Langley, and Ishtar Women’s Resource Society wants Langley City to work with them and the province to get this needed housing in Langley. Council supported this request.
Finally, Council heard from Dr. Charles Quist-Adade of the Africa-Canada Education Foundation. The organization will be hosting an African Story Telling Forum in Langley City. Council awarded them a $1,500 Community Grant. Dr. Quist-Adade thanked us for the grant and provided information about the upcoming event, including how they will highlight the Anansi West African folk tales.
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