Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Langley City Council awards a further $30,555 in Community Grants. Total of $143,613 this year.

One of Langley City Council’s policies is to dedicate a portion of our casino revenue to Community Grants. Non-profit organizations or people in a neighbourhood can apply for a grant for any project, event, or initiative that would benefit people in our community.

Langley City normally has a winter and summer intake for grants. At Monday’s Council meeting, Council approved the following grants from the summer intake:

Organization Amount
Africa - Canada Education Foundation $1,500
Boys and Girls Club of Langley $5,780
Canadian Festival of Chili & BBQ $3,045
Fraser Region Community Justice   Initiatives (CJI) $2,000
Langley Community Services Society - Best   Babies $5,000
Langley Fastball Provincial Tournament $5,000
Langley Lawn Bowling Club $2,500
Lower Fraser Valley Aboriginal Society $3,700
Silver Diamond Country Dancers   Association $1,030
Volunteer Cancer Drivers Society $1,000
Total $30,555

Earlier this year, Council approved $113,058.19 in Community Grants.

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