Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Crime Prevention and Environmental Sustainability Committees Annual Work Plans Approved

Earlier this year, Langley City converted many of its longer-term task groups to committees. Task groups are, in theory, time-limited. If a task group’s work continues, it must be periodically renewed by Council. Some task groups, such as the Crime Prevention Task Group and Environmental Task Group, have officially become committees; Council has been renewing these task group’s mandates for around five years.

Because Council doesn’t need to periodically renew the mandates of committees, they must submit their annual work plans to Council for approval. The committees develop their work plans themselves, and Council will generally approve the work plans without modification.

On April 25th, Langley City Council approved the 2022 work plans for the Crime Prevention Committee and Environmental Sustainability Committee.

These committees help further the goals of Langley City, and I’m excited to see the results of their work plans over the coming year.

The Crime Prevention Committee’s work plan includes:

  • Hosting a “Know Your Neighbour” Pop-up Event
  • Finding Volunteers to Staff Events
  • Creating an innovative Crime Prevention Program for Business
  • Starting a Youth Social Media Program
  • Launching Mail Theft Reduction Program
  • Using Crime Statistic Analysis to identify trends/problem areas

The Environmental Sustainability Committee’s work plan includes:

  • Planning and implementing the Annual Earth Day Event (Done)
  • Reviewing single-use product bans for possible City bylaw
  • Discussing and developing environmental recognition programs for individuals and businesses
  • Developing a poster campaign to raise awareness on environmental sustainability initiatives
  • Researching and discussing tree preservation ideas to support tree protection and urban forest management

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