Tuesday, February 15, 2022

February 14th Council Notes: Apartment Proposal, Renewing “Hotel Tax,” and City Committee Updates

Yesterday’s Langley City Council meeting had a light agenda. Council gave first and second reading to a rezoning bylaw which, if approved, would allow the construction of a 6-storey, 49-unit apartment at 20032 & 20038 56 Avenue (next to the PetroCan at 200th Street.) City staff will now schedule a public hearing.

Rendering of the proposed apartment at 20032 & 20038 56 Avenue. Select image to enlarge.

Council also gave first, second, and third reading to renew the 2% Municipal, Regional and District Tax for an additional five years. This tax applies to short-term (under 27 days) accommodations and funds Discovery Langley City. Discovery Langley City is the Destination Marketing Organization that promotes our community as a place to visit and promotes overnight stays.

Council and staff are in the process of updating the Terms of Reference for all City committees and task groups. While primarily a housekeeping item, one of the goals of the update is to ensure inclusive membership within task groups and committees. The renewed Arts, Recreation, Culture and Heritage Committee will now include a specific seat for an Indigenous voting member, as will the renewed Environmental Sustainability Committee.

The Advisory Design Panel, Economic Development Task Group, and Performing Arts and Cultural Centre Task Group also have updated Terms of Reference with minor changes.

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