Monday, January 24, 2022

Request for Service – Your Direct Connection to Langley City Staff

Langley City Operations Centre

People regularly reach out to me regarding concerns they would like someone in Langley City Hall to address. Most matters can be addressed promptly via the City’s online Request for Service portal.

Is there a burnt-out street light that needs repair?

Does a City garbage can need emptying?

Does a sidewalk need repair?

Is there a pothole that needs patching?

Is water coming out of the ground where it shouldn’t?

Does vandalism need to be cleaned up?

Is there an abandoned camp that needs removal?

Is a property unsightly?

Is a No Parking sign or Loading Zone sign needed?

The City’s Request for Service portal can help you get in touch with the right people to get your matter resolved promptly.

You can also report other matters such as with construction sites, illegal suites, and business licensing.


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