Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Langley City Committee and Task Group Appointments for 2022

Langley City has a variety of committees and task groups where members of the public can volunteer. These groups help inform the policies of the City and make things happen.

Langley City Council appointed new people to task groups and committees as follows:

Advisory Design Panel - One year term:
Scott Thompson*, resident member at large
Leslie Koole, resident member at large

Arts & Culture Task Group - One year term:
Dena Ojaghi, youth representative

Crime Prevention Task Group - One year term:
Lew Murphy, member at large
Don Osborne, member at large
Scott Thompson*, member at large
Natalie Selvage, youth representative

Environmental Task Group - One year term:
Marcela Ferreira, member at large
Amika Watari, post secondary representative

CP Community Advisory Panel - Two year term:
Rob Chorney, resident member at large

Board of Variance – Three year term:
Angie MacDonald, board member
Jim Wuest, board member

Please visit Langley City’s website for more information, including how you can volunteer.

Langley City Council members also serve on committees and task groups as well as external bodies such as the Langley Local Immigration Partnership and Fraser Health Municipal Advisory Council. For the list of 2022 appointments approved at the last council meeting, please read, “Delegates and Representatives Appointments.” As a note, Councillor Albrecht was appointed co-chair of the Crime Prevention Task Group and Councillor Storteboom as the alternate for the Langley Human Dignity Coalition.

*These are two different people.

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