In Langley City, sometimes we have little to no snow in the winter, sometimes we have a lot. This year we have a lot.
As a reminder, City bylaws require that owners remove snow from the sidewalks around their property within 24 hours of fresh snow. If a property owner doesn’t remove snow, you can use the City’s Request for Service tool, selecting “Sidewalks & Walkways” as the “Request Type” and “Complaints” as the “Request Subtype.”
Some sidewalks are the City’s responsibility to clear. The following map shows which locations and their priority.
Sidewalk & Parking Lot Snow Removal Map. Select map to enlarge. |
This next map shows the priority for snow removal for roads.
Snow & Ice Control Priority Map. Select map to enlarge. |
City staff clear priority one routes and sidewalks first. Once staff clear priority one routes, they will clear priority two routes and sidewalks, and so forth.
The following map shows “frost routes.” These are priority salting areas as they are known to be slippery. Staff monitor and apply salt regularly to these areas.
Frost Route Map. Select map to enlarge. |
The City’s salt supply is now limited, as with other municipalities in Metro Vancouver. Until the City receives its next salt supply, staff will only apply salt on “frost routes,” first, and second priority roads.
Thanks for sharing this information about snow removal priorities in Langley City. It's helpful to know the designated routes and areas of responsibility. With the limited salt supply, prioritizing "frost routes" makes sense. Are there any community initiatives or tips you would recommend for residents to cope with the winter conditions and ensure sidewalks around their properties are cleared promptly?