Thursday, September 30, 2021

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Every Child Matters Banner

Today is the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada. One of the questions that I had was how do I honour those that died in the residential schools genocide, honour survivors, and begin the journey of reconciliation.

The first step on my journey is education, and I want to share some videos and other resources that may help you and your family on your journey.

The first suggested link is for the Witness Blanket, which is currently exhibiting at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. The Witness Blanket is made of “hundreds of items reclaimed from residential schools, churches, government buildings and traditional and cultural structures across Canada.” You can watch the feature-length documentary “Picking Up the Pieces: The Making of the Witness Blanket.

For your family, consider watching the video “Talking to Kids About Residential Schools” by Monique Gray Smith.

To conitune your journey, please consider participating in Truth and Reconciliation Week hosted by the National Center for Truth and Reconciliation. They have put together a week’s worth of educational workshops which you can watch.

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