Wednesday, July 7, 2021

June 28 Council Notes: Proposed new Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw. Deployment Project Extensions.

Langley City Council gave first and second reading to a new Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw at its June 28th meeting. This bylaw will apply to redevelopment projects and will replace the 2008 version of the bylaw if approved by Council.

At a very high level, the bylaw and proposed new design criteria manual will specify:

  • Waste management requirements
  • Standards for lot grading
  • Standards and best engineering practices for storm/rainwater management, water distribution, sanitary sewer system, roadway design, landscaping, trail design, streetlight, traffic signal design, and water meters
  • Road cross-sections that accommodate safer, separated infrastructure for walking and cycling, roundabouts, and high-quality streetscapes
  • Storm sewer management requirements that incorporate the impacts of climate change into its design

For more information, please read the draft Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw and Design Criteria Manual.

Langley City staff will seek public, development community, and consulting engineers’ feedback over the next two months. The City will advertise for feedback online and in the local newspaper. After the comment period, staff will review feedback and update the new bylaw and design manual before presenting it to Council for third reading.

Sometimes development projects get delayed. When rezoning or a development permit is required, Council and staff hold off giving final reading of a rezoning bylaw or issuing a development permit until the developer resolves all technical and financial matters.

If matters do not get addressed after some time, the developer must request an extension, or the City will cancel the rezoning/development permit process. This cancellation means the developer must start the whole rezoning and development permit process again.

Developers have asked for extensions for the following three projects:

Council granted extensions for these three projects.

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