Monday, June 7, 2021

May 31 Council Notes: Apartment Projects along 53A Avenue and 201A Street

Last Monday, Langely City Council gave first and second reading for two bylaws to accommodate a 5-storey, 56-unit apartment development at 20179, 20189, & 20199 53A Avenue. Because the proposed development is not consistent with the current Official Community Plan, but will be under the proposed new Official Community Plan, Langely City staff recommended updating the current Official Community Plan along with the normal rezoning process for this proposed project.

Rendering of the proposed project at 20179, 20189, & 20199 53A Avenue. Select image to enlarge.

Council has enabled staff to schedule a public hearing on this project by giving first and second reading to the bylaws.

After the public hearing, I will post more about this project, but you can view the architectural drawings, landscape drawings, and Advisory Design Plan recommendations from the City’s website.

Council also gave third reading to a bylaw that would enable the construction of a 5-storey, 62-unit apartment at the corner of 56th Avenue and 201A Street. This proposed development is on the site of a former fire-damaged apartment building. The third reading of a bylaw occurs after a public hearing.

Rendering of the view from 201A Street of the proposed project at 5609 201A Street. Select image to enlarge.

Rendering of the northwest view of the proposed project at 5609 201A Street. Select image to enlarge.

Rendering of the southeast view of the proposed project at 5609 201A Street. Select image to enlarge.

Langley City’s Advisory Design Plan made two recommendations about this proposed development:

  • That the size of the balconies increase
  • That the uncovered balconies have rain protection

The development proponent stated that they would be increasing the usable area or size of balconies throughout the project. The proponent also added a two-foot-deep overhang at a minimum over the previously unprotected balconies.

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