Monday, June 28, 2021

2020 Breakdown of Langley City Mayor, Council, and Employee Pay

Annually, municipalities in BC must disclose the remuneration and expenses of Councils, plus municipal employees whose salaries and expenses exceed $75,000 per year as per the Community Charter.

Langley City Council had remuneration and expenses that totalled $524,910 in 2020 as shown in the following table.

Elected Representative Remuneration Expenses Benefits Total
Mayor Val van den Broek $131,597 $3,869 $293 $135,759
Councillor Paul Albrecht $61,412 $737 $4,165 $66,314
Councillor Teri James $61,412 - $2,920 $64,332
Councillor Gayle Martin $61,412 $802 $2,161 $64,375
Councillor Nathan Pachal $63,606 $31 $293 $63,930
Councillor Rudy Storteboom $59,219 $1,274 $2,161 $62,654
Councillor Rosemary Wallace $61,412 $1,969 $4,165 $67,546

Council policy automatically sets the mayor’s remuneration to the median of other mayor’s salaries in the Lower Mainland. Council policy also automatically sets councillors’ remuneration to 45% of the mayor’s salary.

The Deputy Mayor position rotates among all councillors in 2-month terms. During the two-months, councillors receive a top-up equal to 10% of the mayor’s annual remuneration.

Benefits include travel and accident insurance, extended health, and dental.

Expenses include travel costs and fees to attend conferences or events per the City’s “Travel and Expense Policy.” Members of council cannot expense travel costs within the City or Township of Langley.

Employee salaries and expenses in 2020 totalled $12.1 million. For more information, please review “Schedule of Remuneration & Expenses - City Employees.

The City’s total 2020 operating expenses were $42.6 million (excluding amortization.)

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