Monday, May 3, 2021

Crime Prevention Tips: Phone Fraud and Door-to-Door Canvassers

Langley City’s Crime Prevention Task Group released its latest safety tips poster. This poster is about phone fraud prevention.

Crime Prevention Task Group Flyer Tip 5 Phone Fraud

If someone calls you demanding money, it is OK to say no.

Never give out your personal information such as your address, social insurance number, or banking information to someone who calls you.

Beware of the CRA calling you demanding money via Interac e-transfer, prepaid credit cards, or gift cards.

You do not need to respond right away. You can always tell a caller that you will call them back after thinking about things.

You can download the crime prevention tips poster to distribute or print.

Langley City council approves all organizations that canvas door-to-door for money. Last Monday, City Council approved Globalfaces Direct to canvas on behalf of:

  • Plan International Canada
  • Canadian Institute for the Blind
  • Unicef Canada
  • Save the Children Canada
  • Children Believe Canada

If someone comes to your door, canvassing on behalf of an organization, they must provide a copy of their approved application for canvasing in Langley City and produce it upon request of any member of the public.

If someone comes to your door canvassing and cannot produce their approved application, or something doesn’t feel right, call the City at 604-514-2800. If possible, please get the name of the organization they are purporting to canvas for.

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