Monday, April 26, 2021

Transport 2050 – Have your say on the region’s long-term transportation vision

Our region has a long history of transportation visions that set out the high-level goals for our road and public transit network. For the most part, these long-term visions get built out on schedule. The most famous and impactful of these visions was Transport 2021, which the region and province adopted in September 1993.

Transport 2021 Vision. Select map to view.

Due to the 2015 transit referendum, a 10-Year Mayors’ Regional Transportation Investments Vision has guided transportation investment over the last decade, but its time is coming to an end.

Mayors’ 10-Year Vision. Select map to view.

We need a new transportation vision for our region.

TransLink staff have been working on Transport 2050, a new long-term vision for Metro Vancouver. In 2019, TransLink received feedback from over 31,000 people about their hopes and concerns for our region’s transportation system.

Out of that feedback, TransLink staff have developed three key themes for Transport 2050:

  • Creating People-First Streets: Making it safe and comfortable for you to walk, bike, or roll.
  • Building Out the Next Generation of Rapid Transit: More than tripling the rapid transit network. Making it quicker and easier to travel across the region.
  • Leveraging Automated Vehicles: Enabling convenient access to car trips, without adding to congestion.

TransLink staff has also developed two high-level concepts for the future rapid transit network.

Network A would build out 100 kilometres of SkyTrain and 100 kilometres of RapidBus or Light Rail in dedicated lanes.

Transport 2050 Network A. Select map to view.

Network B would build out 50 kilometres of SkyTrain and 350 kilometres of RapidBus or Light Rail in dedicated lanes.

Transport 2050 Network B. Select map to view.

Both options would have similar costs to build.

Knowing the history of our region, Network A is likely what our transit network will look like by 2050.

TransLink would like your feedback, and they have set up an engagement site where you can learn more and complete a survey. It is open until May 14, 2021.

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