Monday, April 19, 2021

Langley City projects including removal of old damaged Sitka Spruce near Portage Park

Langley City’s Park and Engineering Operations is always busy, and with warm weather here, municipal projects are ramping up.

The following projects and repairs are underway or recently completed:

  • Repaving 203rd Street between Douglas Crescent and Fraser Highway
  • Repairing drainage pipes on 204th Street Overpass
  • Grinding down sidewalk edges and replacing sections of sidewalks throughout the City to reduce tripping hazards
  • Pressure washing downtown sidewalks and lanes
  • Installing a rapid flashing beacon crosswalk on 208th Street at 45A Avenue
  • Renewing the 208th Street pedestrian bridge
  • Completing water main work on Industrial Avenue
  • Preparimg City Park for the baseball season
  • Completing landscaping around the picnic shelters at City Park
  • Performing maintenance at Brydon Lagoon
  • Installing memorial benches in the lower section of Sendall Gardens
A new section of sidewalk to reduce tripping hazard. Select image to enlarge.

Unfortunately, a City contractor had to remove an old Sitka Spruce in the loop trail area south of Portage Park. The tree caught fire many years ago, causing damage to its trunk. Over the years, it rotted away to the point that the tree was at risk of falling into neighbouring houses.

Deterioration of the tree over the years. Select image to enlarge.

You can now see the remains of the tree via a new path.

Remains of Sitka spruce in the loop trail area south of Portage Park. Select image to enlarge.

As staff presented this update at last Monday’s council meeting, City council asked staff to look into removing and cleaning up the social distancing signs that were put up last year as they are ending up in rivers, creeks, and natural areas. Council also asked staff to investigate reinstalling some garbage cans that have gone missing over the years along the Nicomekl Trail System.

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