Monday, March 8, 2021

2021 “quick win” projects to improve bus reliability in our region.

In partnership with municipalities in our region, TransLink rolled out a series of projects to speed up bus service on the top 20 busiest bus corridors in Metro Vancouver last year. These projects were relatively inexpensive to implement and fast to install.

Map showing existing bus priority areas and "quick win" projects by expected completion date. Select map to enlarge. Source: TransLink

These projects include redesignating road space for buses, changing traffic light timing, adding bus queue jumper lanes at intersections, creating bulge-out bus stops, and optimizing the location of bus stops.

In 2020, TransLink and municipalities delivered 12 of these projects. You can learn more about these projects in a previous post on the topic. TransLink proposes to fund at least nine more of these bus prioritizations projects this year.

"Quick win" projects that are expected to be completed in 2021. Select table to enlarge. Source: TransLink

In total, TransLink staff estimate that $2.4 million will be invested into this “quick win” program speeding up bus service for the most seriously congested corridors in our region.

Beyond the “quick win” program, TransLink is making an additional $4.14 million available for other bus priority projects in 2021. TransLink will also advance the RapidBus program, including the R6 Scott Road and R7 Richmond-Expo Line this year.

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