Monday, February 22, 2021

January Langley City Property Crime Map. Crime Prevention Tips.

The Langley Detachment of the RCMP released the January 2021 property crime map for Langley City, which I have shared below.

Langley City Property Crime Map, January 2021. Select map to enlarge.

I have a few observations. About 2/3rd of Langley City’s population and all purpose-built commercial and industrial buildings are located north of the Nicomekl River. These reasons are why the top of the map will always show more criminal activity. Just because the map shows more criminal activity, it doesn’t mean that you have a higher chance of being victimized by crime north of the Nicomekl River. To get the crime rate, you divide the number of crimes committed by the number of people in an area.

Areas with a higher density of Block Watches seem to have less property crime. Block Watch neighbourhoods can also include townhouses and apartments.

You can learn more about Block Watch by visiting their site. If you want more information about forming a Block Watch in your neighbourhood, contact:
Florence Fowler
Phone: 604-532-3213

Theft from vehicles and vehicle theft remains a concern in Langley City. Please continue to remove all items from your vehicle when parked, even if they have no value.

According to information on ICBC’s website, vehicles manufactured before 2008 have a higher risk of being stolen. They do not have electronic engine immobilizers by default. If you have an older vehicle, a steering wheel lock may reduce your vehicle’s likelihood of being targeted.

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