Wednesday, September 16, 2020

September 14 Council Meeting: Development Matters Addressed. Chargeback for removing unauthorized things from City property proposed.

On Monday night, several development matters were addressed during the first in-person council meeting since March. This meeting was a pilot to see if further council meetings will be held in-person, or will continue via remote meeting.

First and second reading was given by council to discharge a land-use contract for 20093 44 Avenue. If approved by council, this will enable the underlying zoning which permits secondary suites. Land-use contracts were used between 1971 and 1978. On June 30, 2024, all land-use contracts in the province will be terminated. For more information, please visit the provincial government’s website.

Council also gave final reading for rezoning and issued a development permit to allow a 6-storey mixed-use building on the corner of Logan Avenue and 203A Street.

Ground-level view from 203 A Street and Locke Lane. Select image to enlarge.

View from Logan Avenue. Select image to enlarge.

Top-down view from Locke Lane. Select image to enlarge.

One of the concerns that I hear is around construction crews and trades people utilizing on-street parking when working on development projects. Council was told that the proponent of the project is securing off-site parking for people that will be working on this development project.

For more information on this project, please read a pervious post.

Council gave first, second, and third reading to update the “Highway and Traffic Regulation” bylaw, and accompanying update to the “Fees & Charges” bylaw.

If approved, these updates will allow the City to chargeback to a property owner the cost for removing things placed or installed on City property without authorization. The cost charged-back would be the cost to the City for removing and/or storing any unauthorized thing.

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