Monday, September 14, 2020

In-person council meeting at City Hall tonight. What to expect.

Today marks the return of council meetings in Langley City since the end of July; Council meetings paused during the month of August for summer break. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, council meetings have been held via Zoom.

Tonight, council will be meeting for the first time since March in-person at City Hall as a pilot.

As noted on the City’s website:

  • COVID-19 measures will be in place, including physical distancing, plexiglass barriers, and occupancy limits for the Council Chambers (maximum occupancy 19), the foyer outside of the Council Chambers (maximum occupancy 8), and the CKF Meeting Room (maximum occupancy 8). Please note that with Council members and staff, there is a limited amount of seating available to the public in the Council Chamber
  • If the maximum occupancy limit is reached in the Council Chamber, you will be invited to view the livestream of the Council meeting in the CKF Room. Once maximum occupancy limits have been reached for both rooms, we will be unable to accommodate any more people on site to view the meeting and a sign advising of this will be posted outside of City Hall
  • The wearing of a face mask is encouraged
  • Please arrive no earlier than 6:40 pm and no later than 6:55 pm before the meeting start time of 7:00pm
  • The underground parkade continues to be closed; parking is available in the parking lot behind the Timms Community Centre
  • Upon entering City Hall, you will be required to provide your full name and either a telephone number or email address for contact tracing purposes as required by the Public Health Order on Events and Gatherings
  • The Regular Council Meeting will be livestreamed and may be viewed by visiting this page
  • The video recording of the meeting will also be posted on the above-referenced webpage the day after the meeting

Based on the experience of the pilot meeting, in-person meetings may continue. Council meetings may also switch to a hybrid in-person/remote format. Council meetings could also return to just the remote format.

Committee meetings, such as the Crime Prevention Task Group, will continue in the remote format.

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