Monday, June 8, 2020

COVID-19 Cases by Sub-Region

Throughout the COVID-19 state of emergency, the BC Centre for Disease Control (CDC) has provided statistics about COVID-19 cases by health authority. There are five health authorities in BC, this kept information about COVID-19 cases at a local level somewhat obfuscated.

On June 4th, sub-region-level COVID-19 case statistics were released. Langley City is in Fraser South (FS) in the following maps.

Between January 22 to May 31, Fraser South had 523 reported COVID-19 cases.

Reported COVID-19 Cases from January 22 to May 31.

Between May 18 to May 31, Fraser South had 57 report COVID-19 cases.

Reported COVID-19 Cases from May 18 to May 31.

The darker the red and purple, the higher the case rate per 100,000 people. Fraser South has 10.1 to 15 cases per 100,000 people between May 18 to May 31. The rest of the region saw between 5.1 to 10 cases per 100,000 in the same period.

The next slide from the presentation shows where the current COVID-19 virus lineages are from. Closer to Vancouver, the majority lineage is from Washington State. The further into the Fraser Valley, the lineage shifts to European-like/Eastern Canada.

Geographic Distribution of COVID-19 Virus Lineages. Select image to enlarge.

As the province continues to re-open, it is important that we continue to follow the guidance of the BC CDC. For more information about COVID-19 in Langley City, please visit the City’s COVID-19 updates page.

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