Monday, February 10, 2020

Langley City January Property Crime Map

The following is the latest map which shows where property crime has occurred in Langley City for the month of January.

Langley City Property Crime Map, January 2020. Select map to enlarge.

There are a few things to note about the map. The grey boxes on the map are the location of Block Watch neighbourhoods.

Also note that the population density is higher north of the Nicomekl River than south. Also, north of the Nicomekl River is a regional centre and business hub for Metro Vancouver. It would be expected to see more activity north of the Nicomekl River because of this.

One of the ways that the RCMP can target crime hot spots is by reviewing reports of suspicious activity. If you seen any suspicious activities in your neighbourhood, please call the RCMP non-emergency number at (604) 532-3200. Also, never feel that something is too small to call into the police. They value all calls.

If you would like to help reduce negative activity in your neighbourhood, please consider joining a Block Watch. Many neighbourhoods in Langley City have Block Watch programs in place. If you are interested in joining a Block Watch, or want to learn more about the program, please contact:
Florence Fowler
Direct Line: 604-532-3213

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