Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Over 320 units of new affordable housing moving forward in Langley

Housing affordability is a top of mind for concern for most people in Metro Vancouver. The federal government, provincial government, and local governments have recognized that something had to be done. Over the last several years, new funding has been made available to build more affordable housing units throughout our region.

Affordable housing includes everything from emergency shelters to home ownership. The following chart shows how the provincial government supports affordable housing.

BC Housing support along the housing continuum. Select image to enlarge. Source: BC Housing.

The provincial government recently created a map of the affordable housing projects that are currently under construction in BC.

As shown in the map, there are four projects in Langley that are under construction: three in the Township and one in the City. There are 322 units in total which would be considered traditional social housing for low income families and seniors.

These units are in addition to recently open projects like the 49-unit Creek Stone Supportive Housing facility.

322 units of new affordable housing is a good start, but it is only a start. We will need both the federal and provincial governments to continue to invest in affordable housing for Langley.

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