Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Langley City August property crime map released. How you can help reduce crime.

Langley City is a safe community, and this is shown in the crime stats. The likelihood of you experiencing violence due to another person is extremely low. If you do, it is likely from someone you already know.

One of the initiatives of Langley City’s Crime Prevention Task Group (which I chair) is to raise awareness about the types of crimes that do occur in our community, and give people the tools to be part of the solution to reducing crime.

As a result of the Langley City’s Crime Prevention Task Group, monthly property crime maps will now be available to people that subscribe to the City’s monthly newsletter. The map shows both property crime and the location of Block Watch areas.

Langley City Property Crime Map - August 2019. Select map to enlarge.

There are two areas of concern: theft from auto and auto theft.

One way you can help reduce theft from auto and auto theft is by joining a Block Watch. Block Watch is “a community organized RCMP Crime Prevention Program. Neighbours look out for each other. They get to know who belongs and report suspicious activity.”

To join a Block Watch or find out more information, call 604-532-3213.

You can help reduce theft from auto by removing all non-attached items from your vehicle, including garage door openers, and by locking your vehicle.

If you don’t have a newer vehicle with a built-in electronic engine immobilizer, consider purchasing a vehicle alarm or steering wheel lock.

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