Monday, June 3, 2019

A Rail~Volution is coming to Vancouver

The 25th annual Rail~Volution transit and community development conference is coming to Metro Vancouver this fall. This conference is one of the foremost transportation and planning conferences in North America, and it is expected that well over 1,000 people will be attending.

There will be 75 conference sessions covering a range of topics such as climate change, affordable housing, transit-oriented development, and well as “new mobility”. There will also be 27 on-the-ground workshops where participants can learn first-hand about how to build walkable and transit-accessible communities.

The conference registration fee is normal $225USD for students, and between $595USD and $745USD for others. To reduce the barrier to attend the conference, scholarships are also available for “applicants from non-profit organizations, elected/appointed officials with constrained budgets, and community activists, especially those who identify as Black/Indigenous/Person of Color.” You can find out more information about the scholarship program by visiting the Rail~Volution website. If you are thinking about applying for a scholarship, you must have it submitted by July 11th.

The conference runs from September 8th until 11th at the Downtown Vancouver Hyatt Regency. For more information, please visit the Rail~Volution website.

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