Monday, March 4, 2019

A list of TransLink’s proposed transit, road, walking, and cycling improvements that are unfunded

In November 2016, phase one of TransLink’s three-phase, ten-year vision was approved by the Mayors’ Council. Phase two was approved in June 2018. For more details about the projects, service increases, and new funding for road, walking, and cycling infrastructure in this vision, please visit TransLink’s 10-Year Vision microsite.

A TransLink representative presented an update about the 10-Year Vision at the most recent Mayors’ Council meeting and Metro Vancouver’s Council of Councils. The results of phase one transit improvements are in: overall service has increased by six percent between 2016 and 2018, resulting in ridership increasing 15 percent in the same period. Our region has seen one of the highest growth rates for transit ridership of any major region in Canada or the US.

A TransLink representative presenting at Metro Vancouver Council of Councils meeting. Select image to enlarge.

This high growth rate means that transit service is still overcrowded. Phase two of the vision is in the process of being rolled out, but the final phase still is not funded. The following table shows the proposed transportation improvements currently in the final phase of the ten-year vision.

Rail Improvements:

  • Upgrades to Expo, Millennium, and Canada Line stations
  • Purchase 10 West Coast Express cars
  • Upgrades to Canada Line systems
  • Surrey-Langley Expo Line extension

Bus Improvements:

  • 7% service increase for conventional bus transit
  • 8% services increase for HandyDart transit
  • Five new B-Lines
  • Service expansion to two areas that are underserved today
  • Upgrades to 9 transit exchanges

Road Network, Walking, and Cycling Improvements:

  • $100 million for road network safety upgrades
  • $71.5 million for road network structures and seismic upgrades
  • $12.5 million for walking infrastructure
  • $43 million for municipal-controlled cycling infrastructure
  • $13 million for TransLink-controlled cycling infrastructure

The current provincial government has shown that it is willing to work with the Mayors’ Council on getting transit built in our region. I’m hopefully that this cooperation continues to get phase three funded. The transit referendum that was forced upon our region set transit expansion back many years; we cannot afford these types of delays going forward.

Even with phase three fully funded, more transit service expansion will be needed. TransLink is in the process of developing a new long-range regional transportation strategy which will feed into a new mid-term vision to expand transportation options in our region.

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