Over the past few weeks, I’ve been posting about the proposed Langley City 2019 budget and financial plan. There are two main parts of the financial plan, the operating budget and the capital budget. The operating budget is generally where ongoing expenditures are accounted for. Some examples would include labour costs for providing policing services, paying for electricity, or purchasing paper towels for City washrooms. The operating budget is the largest part of the Langley City financial plan.
The other major part of Langley City’s financial plan is the capital budget. The City is proposing to invest close to $10.1 million in the 2019 capital budget. The capital budget is generally used to pay for one-time projects, or to pay for creating or renewing a tangible asset such as building a new playground, replacing an old water main, or building a bridge.
Langley City’s capital budget is funded from revenue received from the casino, fees and contributions from developers, funding from the federal and provincial governments, and property tax.
Today, I wanted to highlight some of the larger items that are being proposed in the 2019 capital budget.
RCMP Detachment Repairs - $905,000
Help fund the renewal of the fire suppression and electrical systems, heating/cooling system, enhance security, and general improvements.
Baldi Creek Bridge - $745,000
Funds the construction of a pedestrian bridge across Baldi Creek, connecting Brydon Crescent with the BC Hydro Right of Way Trail.
Brydon Park Masterplan, Phase 1 - $700,000
Funds upgrading the park to include a water play area, sand volleyball court, picnic area, new washroom building, outdoor fitness equipment area, dog off-leash area, and perimeter trail lined with trees. See a previous blog post for more details.
Road Rehabilitation - $575,000
Funds various repaving projects throughout the community.
203 Street between Fraser Highway and Logan - $550,000
Funds renewing the sanitary sewer, repaving, and adding transit lanes.
Future Land Acquisition - $540,000
Funds used to help the City purchase properties for strategic purposes. An example could be to expand a park.
SCADA Upgrade - $340,000
Funds upgrading the communication system used to control the water system.
Douglas Recreation Centre Soffit Repair - $300,000
Bicycle Facilities - $200,000
Funds projects such as expanding bike lanes and installing bike racks.
Nicholas Park Washrooms - $200,000
City Park Picnic Shelter - $200,000
Funds replacing current wooden shelters with three new all-metal picnic shelters.
Water Meter Replacement Program - $200,000
Funds replacing aging water meters that may read water consumption inaccurately.
Eliminate Pipe Twinning - $200,000
Funds removing unneeded pipes to reduce ongoing maintenance costs.
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