Tuesday, February 26, 2019

February 25, 2019 Council Meeting Notes: Budget receives third reading and community grants approved

Currently, Langley City is in the process of adopting its 2019 budget and financial plan. Around 7 residents attended the financial plan open house last Wednesday. Of the people that I talked to, the concerns I heard were around the assessed values of their properties. The value of property is determined by the independent BC Assessment Authority. The authority does provide a way to appeal their assessment determinations though the period to appeal for 2019 has passed.

A Committee of the Whole was held at the beginning of last night’s council meeting to give people an opportunity to provide feedback directly to council about the proposed 2019 financial plan. Council received no written comments and no members of the public were present to speak to the financial plan last night.

Mayor van den Broek proposed some amendments to the financial plan to delay implementation or eliminate some of the proposed service level increases. These amendments did not move forward. The unamended financial plan received third reading last night. The final reading of the financial plan will occur in March. If approved, the 2019 budget and financial plan will be adopted.

For more information about the financial plan, please read my budget overview post, a post about the proposed service level increases, and a post about the proposed capital works budget.

Langley City received $7.8 million in casino proceeds in 2018. Every year council allocates a portion of these proceeds to provide community grants to support non-profit organizations and events that benefit our community. Council also distributes scholarships to support Langley City high school students.

Council adopted an amendment to the community grant policy on Monday night to require that organizations that receive a grant, provide an acknowledgement regarding this support.

Council also approved distributing $157,430.65 in grants last night as follows:

Bard in the Valley - $11,285.40
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Langley - $3,000.00
Blacklock Elementary School (PAC) - $1,500.00
Boys and Girls Club of Langley - $3,600.00
Canadian Chili and BBQ Society - $10,000.00
Canadian National Racquetball Championship - $1,000.00
Children of the Street Society - $1,000.00
Christmas Parade Event - $11,500.00
Codependents Anonymous 12 Step Group - $491.50
Critter Care Wildlife Society - $2,500.00
DLBA – Arts Alive Event - $10,000.00
Douglas Park Charity Pickelball Tournament - $4,000.00
Douglas Park Community School Society - $4,000.00
Elijah Place - $3,465.00
Encompass Support Services Society – Best Babies - $6,187.59
Fibromyalgia Well Spring Foundation - $1,000.00
Fraser Region Community Justice Initiatives – Black Book - $2,000.00
Fraser Valley Cultural Diversity Awards - $750.00
KPU / Kiwanis Fraser Valley Music Festival Society - $5,500.00
Langley 4H District Council - $150.00
Langley Amateur Radio Association - $262.60
Langley Baseball Association - $8,000.00
Langley Cares Foundation – Langley Lodge - $3,000.00
Langley Community Farmers Market Society - $4,500.00
Langley Community Services Society - $5,000.00
Langley Field Naturalists - $1,600.00
Langley Flippers Swim Club - $3,066.00
Langley Fundamental Secondary School - Dry Grad - $500.00
Langley Girl’s Softball Tournament $2,500
Langley Hospice Society - $2,062.00
Langley Lawn Bowling Club - $1,300.00
Langley Literacy Association - $2,500.00
Langley Pos-Abilities Society - $1,261.31
Langley Royal Canadian Legion – Remembrance Day - $4,750.00
Langley Scholarship Committee - $4,500.00
Langley Secondary School – Dry Grad - $500.00
Langley Senior Resources Society - $15,000.00
Langley Ukulele Association - $1,650.00
Lower Fraser Valley Aboriginal Society - $2,627.00
Mountain Secondary School Dry Grad - $500.00
Parkinson Society BC – Langley Chapter - $236.25
Pitch In Canada - $425.00
Pucks Powerplay Foundation - $2,500.00
Seniors of Langley - $355.00
Shape Your World - $4,906.00
Youth Parliament - $1,000.00

Tomorrow, I’ll be posting about the other items on Monday night’s council meeting agenda.

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