TransLink recently released its on-time performance metrics for the first half of this year.
On-time performance of SkyTrian and West Coast Express. Select chart to enlarge. Source: 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015. |
Compared to previous years, on-time performance for rail service has remained consistent. This is mostly due to the fact that rail transit runs in its own right-of-way and is not subject to general traffic congestion.
Bus on-time performance is trickery to maintain as most buses in our region run in mixed traffic. This means that they are subject to the same delays that people driving single occupancy vehicles experience and cause. Even with that in mind, TransLink has been trying to improve the on-time performance of the bus system.
In the first six-months of this year, 76% of frequent transit routes and 81% of all other routes where on-time. It was 76% and 79% respectively during the first six-months of 2017.
One of the best ways to improve on-time performance of bus services is to have them operate in their own bus lanes with traffic signal prioritization. A good example will be the pending Fraser Highway B-Line. One of TransLink’s asks is that both Surrey and Langley City implement bus priority measures which include some dedicated bus lanes. This is something that I will support wholeheartedly.
TransLink defines on-time for SkyTrain as staying within 3 minutes of schedule, and staying within 5 minutes of schedule for West Coast Express. Bus service must not leave at scheduled stops earlier than 1 minute or arrive later than 3 minutes for it to be considered on-time.
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