Thursday, June 28, 2018

Langley City Stats: Crime Down, City Events Up. Plus, Where Do People Work?

Langley City recently released its Annual Report for 2017. This report contains information on our municipality’s priorities, operations, financial position, and statistics. There are three groups of statistics that I wanted to highlight from the annual report.

Crime Type 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
All Property Offences 2,666 2,825 2,140 2,269 2,428
All Persons Offences 455 428 365 353 365

Langley City’s largest category of reported crime is property-related crime. In 2016, a full 90% of property-related crime was either shoplifting, theft from a motor vehicle, or theft not from a motor vehicle; all under $5,000. Reported crime stats are influenced by the number of people that actually report crime to the RCMP. Over the last few years, we have been encouraging people to report all crime. In 2017, reported property-related crime trended down.

An effective way to address property crime under $5,000 is by getting more people out in our community doing positive activities, and creating connections between people who live in the same neighbourhood. Over the last few years, Langley City has been increasing funding to support more events in our community.

 2017 2016
Events - City Free 37 24
Events - City Paid 7 7
Events - Outside Organizations 40 35
Tournaments 12 8
Seasonal Programming 88 37

The Timms Community Centre provides an opportunity for younger people to take part in positive activities. This reduces the likelihood of younger people taking part in negative activities. Youth drop-ins at Timms Community Centre increase 38% from 12,630 in 2016 to 17,377 in 2017.

On a different topic, many people believe that most Langley City residents must cross the Fraser River to get to work. This is not the case. 2017 stats show that a full two-thirds of Langley City residents never have to cross the Fraser River to get to work.

Location Residents Precentage
Surrey 2,945 22.3%
Langley Township 2,775 21.0%
Langley City 2,540 19.2%
No Fixed Workplace 2,080 15.7%
Other Location 585 4.4%
Vancouver 495 3.7%
Abbotsford 455 3.4%
Delta 445 3.4%
Burnaby 415 3.1%
Richmond 350 2.6%
Coquitlam 140 1.1%
Total 13,225

A full copy of the 2017 Langley City Annual Report can be download from the City’s website.

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