Thursday, March 29, 2018

Upcoming Event - City in Flux: Panel Discussion

Cypress-Bowl-Development-(3287) by Carolina de la Cajiga

West Vancouver’s Ferry Building Gallery will be exhibiting “City in Flux: Work in Progress” by Carolina de la Cujiga. Her work dives deep into the tension between growth and preservation in the future development of Metro Vancouver.

As part of the exhibition, the gallery is hosting a panel discussion. The panel includes “planning and transportation professionals, artists and architects as they explore the changing landscape of the Vancouver area and its implications for the future.” I will be one of the panel members.

The event details are as follows:
Sunday, April 15, 2018
2:00pm to 4:00pm
Ferry Building Gallery
1414 Argyle Avenue
West Vancouver, BC V7T 1C2

Admission is by donation and space is limited. Call 604-925-7270, noting course #44038 to reserve your spot, or register online.

It’s a bit of a journey to West Vancouver. You could make a day out of it, checking out the great amenities in Ambleside such as their beach, before or after the panel discussion.

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