Monday, March 5, 2018

100,000 reasons to start up a new business in Downtown Langley

The heart of any community is its downtown. If a community’s downtown is doing well, the whole community is doing well.

The Downtown Langley Business Association (DLBA) is one of the most active Business Improvement Area associations in our province. The DLBA organizes events like Arts Alive, Fork & Finger, and the McBurney Plaza Summer series. While Langley City does provide partial funding for these events, it is the strong partnership we have with the DLBA that ensures there is an increasing amount of positive events and activities happening in our downtown. The DLBA is also the new destination marketing organization for our community via Discover Langley City.

Independently-run, local businesses contribute back to our community more so than chains. Local business owners are more invested in their community as they usually have one location, and live in the same community where their business is located. These independent businesses create a sense of place with experiences that you won’t find at a mall. This is what makes each downtown a special place.

While most BIA’s have a business recruitment strategy, the DLBA has taken attracting a new independent retailer to the next level.

The DLBA has launched the “Start It Up Langley!” contest. For the entrepreneur with the winning idea for a new retail business, the DLBA will give them $100,000 in prizes to get off the ground.

The following package of prizes are included:

  • 6 Months Free Rent
  • Interior Contracting
  • Exterior Signage
  • Interior Merchandising
  • Business Banking Account with $500
  • Promotional Car Wrap
  • Professional Business Coaching
  • Brand Asset Development
  • Website Development
  • 6-Months Marketing Support
  • Print Media Advertising
  • Full Security System
  • City Fees
  • New Business Set-Up Legal Fees
  • New Business Set-Up Accounting Fees
  • Grand Opening Reception

If you’ve ever thought about starting your own retail business, or know someone who is thinking about starting a retail business, check out this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I’m excited to see who will win this contest, and what new retail concept they will be bringing our downtown.

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