Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Is Langley City on the right course to make our streets safer for walking, cycling, and driving? Take my 30 second survey.

Over the past year, there have been some significant changes to the road network in Langley City. These changes have been implemented to make walking and cycling safer and more enjoyable in our community.

Other changes have been implemented to slow down motor vehicle traffic to make our streets safer and to reduce collision hot-spots like along 50 Avenue.

Improving lighting, sidewalks, and crosswalks are key priorities for me. Implementing traffic calming where requested by residents in our community, and making cycling safer are also important to me.

With the changes made to our road network this year, I would like to know your opinion. What has worked well? What needs to be re-examined? Is the City on the right course?

Please take the 30-second survey that I’ve posted online, and let me know your thoughts!

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