Wednesday, February 8, 2017

February 6th, 2017 Council Meeting Notes: 500 tonnes of salt, major water main repair starting, plus water and sewer rate changes approved

500 metric tonnes of salt. That is how much salt was used this past weekend by City of Langley crews to keep our streets passable over the weekend. Rick Bomhof, Director of Engineering, Parks and Environment provided an update about the departments that he is responsible for at Monday's council meeting.

As you can imagine, salt is running low region-wide. Bomhof stated that City staff are working on replenishing our salt supply, but in the meantime, salt will be reserved for major streets. Plowing and sanding will still occur on all streets.

The City of Langley provides access to its GIS/mapping system online. Bomhof noted that the 2016 aerial photos are now available on online. Arial imagery can be viewed as far back as 2001.

Between February 27 and March 2, Metro Vancouver will be doing major valve repair work on the water main that services City of Langley residents. The City’s water system is also interconnected with the Township of Langley’s water system. During the repair work, City residents will receive water via the Township water system.

The Township water system uses a blend of Metro Vancouver and well water. Some residents may notice a cloudiness in the water because of this. According to Bomhof, the water is still perfectly safe to use. City resident shouldn’t notice any difference in water service during the repair work.

To make sure that switching to the Township water system will work as expected, tests will be performed on February 15 and 16.

The 203 Street project is nearing completion. The new bridge deck across the Nicomekl was recently completed. The whole project should be completed by the end of March.

Bomhof noted the recent funding of $500,000 from the federal government which will be combined with $800,000 of funds from the City to complete the Penzer Action Park.

Kim Hilton, Director of Recreation, Culture & Community Services also provided an update to council on Monday.

Hilton stated that you can head to the Timms Community Centre between 11:30am and 2:30pm to celebrate Family Day on February 13. There will be free family-friendly activities. On February 24, there is a Pro-D Day in Langley. The City will be providing a Pro-D Day program that will run from 9am to 2pm that day at Douglas Recreation Centre. For more information about activities and events in our community, please visit the City's website.

At the end of Hilton's presentation, I asked if we could get statistics about who and how people are using our community centres and services. Hilton stated that she is working on getting this information together, and will be presenting it at a future council meeting.

Council also heard a presentation from Patrick Matiowski of the Langley Care Foundation. He provided an overview of the non-profit Langley Lodge which has been providing, according to Matiowski, some of the best seniors care in the world since 1973. Matiowski thanked the City for its support of the organization, including the permissive tax exemption it receives.

Council gave final reading to the Waterworks Regulation, and Sanity Sewer and Storm Sewer Rates and Regulation bylaws which will change water and sewer rates for most properties as follows:

For water service: $75.00 flat-rate per dwelling unit per year, plus a consumption charge of $1.16 per cubic metre of water consumed during the previous year.

For sewer service: $75.00 flat-rate per dwelling unit per year, plus a consumption charge of $1.04 per cubic metre based on 80% of the water consumption used during the previous twelve months.

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