Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Have you mailed your ballot yet?

There is only a few weeks left to vote in Metro Vancouver’s Transportation and Transit Plebiscite. Citizens in Metro Vancouver are being asked “Do you support a new 0.5 per cent Metro Vancouver Congestion Improvement Tax, to be dedicated to the Mayors' Council transportation and transit plan?”

If you are still on the fence about which way to vote, I’ve posted information about the Mayors’ Council plan, and what it means for Surrey and Langley. For non-biased facts about our transportation system in Metro Vancouver, and why increased funding is needed, check out Discourse Media’s Moving Forward data journalism project.

If you are in Metro Vancouver and are:
A Canadian citizen,
18 years of age or older, on or before May 29, 2015,
A resident of B.C. for at least six months, on or before May 29, 2015,

You can vote. If you haven’t registered to vote, you can do so online or by calling Elections BC at 1-800-661-8683. If you’ve lost your voting package, or it got damaged, call Elections BC today. May 15th is the last day you can request a package, or register to vote in the plebiscite. You can also stop by a Plebiscite Service Office. In the South of Fraser, there are offices at Willowbrook Mall and Central City Mall.

Your ballot must be received by Elections BC by 8pm on Friday, May 29th. This means you’ll want to get your ballot mailed off as soon as possible. If you are a last-minute kind of person, you can drop off your ballot at a Plebiscite Service Office.

So mark an x, and get your ballot in the mail today!

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