Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Another way to look at transit operating cost

Yesterday, I released a report card that compares transit service performance metrics of major Canadian regions. Metro Vancouver’s transit service scored high, with only the Montreal region scoring higher. Transit service in Metro Vancouver did have the highest direct operating cost per service hour of major Canadian regions due to higher fuel costs and higher vehicle maintenance costs. For example, Vancouver’s trolley bus fleet is more expense to maintain than regular buses. Because the Canada Line is a P3, it also has higher operating costs. Because transit vehicles in Metro Vancouver travel longer distances, they are subject to more wear and tear.

Direct operating cost is how much money it costs to run transit service, but doesn’t include capital costs like the cost of purchasing new buses or trains.

Metro Vancouver is the leader within Canadian major regions of having the most bums in seats for every service hour of transit provided.

I did not include this in the report card, but there is another way of looking at direct operating costs per service hour: direct operating cost per person per service hour. This accounts for how efficient an agency is with each service hour of transit they provide.

Operating Cost per Service Hour per Passenger Trip. Select graph to enlarge.

Costs between $3.22 and $3.81 would get a “B” if it was in the report card. Cost under $3.22 would get an “A”.

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