Tuesday, February 3, 2015

New Westminster SkyTrain Station to get face lift and upgrades

Over the past several years, TransLink has been busy upgrading the Expo Line as part of its OnTrack state-of-good repair program.

Other OnTrack projects include the upgrading of Main Street-Science World SkyTrain Station, and the replacement of all the power rails on the Expo Line. These projects are currently under construction. New Westminster SkyTrain station is about to be upgraded as part of the OnTrack program.

The New Westminster SkyTrain Station does not meet current accessibility standards, and needs to be upgraded to improve passenger flow.

If you’ve been to New Westminster SkyTrain Station recently, you’ve notice that it is in the middle of a major mixed-use project. The station is partially integrated into that project today; the proposed upgrades will fully integrated it with the mixed-use project.

The proposed set of upgrades will also enhances the safety, security, and comfort of people at the station. TransLink is holding an online open house about the proposed set of upgrades. I thought I’d share some of the pictures which show the proposed set of improvements.

Inbound Platform looking from Carnarvon Courtyard. Select image to enlarge.

Platform Renovation. Select image to enlarge.

Proposed 8th Street Entrance. Select image to enlarge.

Proposed Concourse Level. Select image to enlarge.

You can submit your feedback about the proposed upgrades to New Westminster SkyTrian Station online until February 11th.

Commercial-Broadway, Joyce-Collingwood, Metrotown, and Surrey Central are all slated to be upgraded. These upgrades are being funding by $124 million in federal and provincial dollars. TransLink will be paying for the remainder of the upgrade costs.


  1. I really like the idea of mixed use integrated with Skytrain, but I do feel that most of the levels at the new West station are very dark and not pleasant to walk through. Any plans on solving this?

  2. I believe they are putting skylights in the overhead roof. Also, the SkyTrain station itself is having the metal sides replaced with glass.


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