Monday, January 12, 2015

Upcoming Event: Surrey and Vancouver Rapid Transit Discussion

I received an invite from the Young Professionals in Transportation, Metro Vancouver Chapter to attend a "Surrey and Vancouver Rapid Transit Discussion" which is taking place later this month. I was asked to share the details of this event.

Upcoming Event: Surrey and Vancouver Rapid Transit Discussion!

On January 29th, 2015 YPT Vancouver is hosting one of the most highly anticipated events of the year! The transportation referendum set for this spring will be one of the most important decisions impacting the future of Metro Vancouver. Where the next major transit investment should go is at the forefront of this decision. To discuss this important question, we will be joined by two of the leading advocates for rapid transit projects in Metro Vancouver:

Lon LaClaire, Manager of Stategic Transportation Planning at the City of Vancouver and;
Paul C. Lee, Manager of Rapid Transit & Strategic Projects at the City of Surrey. (Click here for his BIO)

Lon and Paul will join us to talk about the merits of the UBC-Broadway SkyTrain extension and the light rail transit network in Surrey, respectively.

Moderated by Gordon Price, Director of the City Program at SFU, this event will give you the opportunity to hear from two leading professionals in the transportation field, to have your questions answered, and to participate in a discussion with Lon, Paul, and other transportation professionals in the region who are interested in transportation.

Thursday, January 29th, 2015
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM (PST)

SFU Harbour Centre (Rm 1600)
515 West Hastings St

Click here for the Google Maps link

General Admission is $25 for Non-Members. You can purchase tickets for this event at the YPT Vancouver EventBrite Page. Member ticket prices are lower.

Note: Tickets to this highly anticipated event are LIMITED so register early.

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