Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Remembrance Day at Douglas Park

“Lest we forgot” is a phase that I hear often around Remembrance Day. As time goes on, memories fade away; will people forgot the huge sacrifices made —lives lost and families torn apart— by World War I, II, and other conflicts?

People starting to gather for the Remembrance Day Ceremony at Douglas Park

Yesterday, I attended the Remembrance Day Ceremony at Douglas Park. Downtown Langley is the core of our community, a place where we can celebrate and a place where we can remember.

There was an air flyover, the signing of hymns and our National Anthem, and the laying of wreaths. The most powerful moment for me was the long period of silence, hearing nothing but the wind blowing through the trees and flags while looking at the cenotaph.

I saw people from all walks of life and all ages —parents walking with their children— gathered in the heart of our community. In Langley, we did not forget.

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