Wednesday, November 26, 2014

2014 Residential Development in Surrey

The City of Surrey posts large amounts of data on their website. Sometimes that data can be a bit tricky to find, or needs to be changed into a different format to be better interpreted. Today, I thought I would share new residential development approval stats from January to October of this year. It might surprise you which Surrey neighbourhoods saw more single-family development approvals issued, and which neighbourhoods saw more multi-family development approvals issued. These numbers don’t included previously issued approval, even if those units haven’t been constructed yet.

Total Surrey residential development approvals January thru October, 2014. Select graph to enlarge.

Continue on for more development graphs.

Cloverdale residential development approvals January thru October, 2014. Select graph to enlarge.

Fleetwood residential development approvals January thru October, 2014. Select graph to enlarge.

Guildford residential development approvals January thru October, 2014. Select graph to enlarge.

Newton residential development approvals January thru October, 2014. Select graph to enlarge.

South Surrey residential development approvals January thru October, 2014. Select graph to enlarge.

Whalley (includes downtown) residential development approvals January thru October, 2014. Select graph to enlarge.

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