Thursday, October 16, 2014

Election Update: Fundraising, Door Knocking, All Candidates Debate

Over the last several weeks, we meet our fundraising goal of $5,000 to support my campaign for election to Langley City Council. 30 people donated to the campaign; I’m honoured. If elected, I will work hard to bring fresh ideas to city council. We have other exciting ideas to help get the word out even more about building streets that work, a community that's strong that would require more funding. You can donate anytime at

On October 25th and November 1st, I need your help. We plan on doing 2 days —about 3 hours each day— of door knocking and handing out literature to every door in Langley City. If you can help out on one or both of these dates, please call me at 778-288-8720 or email

Tonight, I’ll be participating in the Greater Langley Chamber of Commerce’s Municipal All Candidates Meeting for the City of Langley. The event is free and open to all members of the public. It starts at 7:00pm at the Cascades Casino. More information is on the Chamber’s website. It would be great if you could make it.

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