Thursday, October 2, 2014

$4,000 raised, $1,000 left. 5 days to go!

With my nomination papers filed, my campaign for election to Langley City Council is in full swing. A few weeks ago with the help of my street team, we gave out 150 cupcakes in Downtown Langley. This was a great opportunity to speak with people in the community. What I heard was that people want safe and accessible streets. People love Downtown Langley and want to see it thrive. People want to see more investment in our parks system.

This is what I want for Langley as well. If elected, I will be able to bring a fresh perspective to City Council and a renewed vision for our community.

Last month, we launched our fundraising campaign with the goal of raising $5,000. Thanks to the generosity of over 25 people, we’ve raised about $4,000 via cheque, Paypal, and Fundrazr. We still have $1,000 left to raise in 5 days.

It is critical that we raise this last $1,000, which will allow us to purchase signs, pamphlets, and mailers to help spread the word about my vision for Langley.

If you’ve already donated, thank you so much. If you are thinking about donating, please do so soon.

You can donate by cheque or Paypal at

You can also donate through Fundrazr at

As an added bonus, if you donate $100 or more via Paypal in the next 5 days, you will get an exclusive bottle of “Nathan’s Cool-Aid,” an exclusive rosé by local Langley vineyard Vista d’Oro.

Bottle of Nathan’s Cool-Aid

Together we can build streets that work, and community that’s strong.

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