Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Be a part of studying the link between your health and your community

Over the past decade, researcher have started to study in earnest the link between physical and mental health, and the built-form of the communities and neighbourhoods that we live in. Last year, I posted about as research TransLink commissioned and complied on the links between land-use, transportation, and human health.

This research suggested that people who live in walkable neighbourhoods with access to transit are healthier than people who live in auto-oriented areas.

The Vancouver Coastal Health Authority, Fraser Health Authority, and the eHealth Strategy Office at the University of British Columbia have teamed up to create the My Health, My Community project. As part of the project, they are asking people over the age of 18 in Metro Vancouver to complete a survey.

The survey gathers information about the physical health, mental well-being, eating habits, transportation patterns, and neighbourhood characteristic of its participants. The following one minute video explains things in a bit more detail.

Once the survey results are complied, My Health, My Community should have a better understand of the complex links between health outcomes, our lifestyles, and where we live. The end goal of the project is to provide recommendations on how to build communities that improve our physical health and mental well-being.

My Health, My Community is seeking to get people from all parts of the region to complete their survey. While they have a high-level of participation from most parts of the region, they need more people to participate in the South of Fraser.

I completed the survey in about 15 minutes this morning. The survey asks for some very personal information, but you can choose to not answer some questions. Since this survey is run by provincial health authorities, they already handle your sensitive personal information.

The survey is open until June 30th and you could win Apple products. More information about the survey is available on the My Health, My Community website.

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