Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Winning the Transit Referendum: Notes from Toronto

Like Vancouver, Toronto needs improved public transit in the region. Metrolinx, the agency responsible for building major transit projects and running the regional GO Transit network, has a $50 billion plan called The Big Move to improve transportation in the region. It is heavily focused on expanding transit. So far about 1/3 of the plan is funded.

A coalition called Move the GTHA which includes business, government, and NGOs is avocation for long-term, stable funding to be put in place by the provincial government to allow the full realization of the Big Move vision. This group is similar to the Moving in a Livable Region Coalition in Metro Vancouver.

While the Ontario provincial government is not having a referendum, the type of information that Move the GTHA provides to the general public should be the same kind of material that is provided to the general public in Metro Vancouver as we lead up to the referendum.

When looking at the information material, you’ll notices a few things. The material focuses on the need for new funding for transit and its benefits. Most important, it centres around how transit will improve the quality of life for people in Greater Toronto. One of the things you’ll notices missing is lines on a map or a focus on specific transit projects.

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