Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Moving in a Livable Region

With the pending referendum on transit coming up within the year, many organizations are stepping up to support increased transit funding. One such organization is Moving in a Livable Region. Moving in a Livable Region is a consortium which includes municipalities, development associations, business associations, transportation advocacy organizations, unions, YVR, SFU, and TransLink.

Moving in a Livable Region’s main goal is to provide fact-based information on transportation issues as well as information on funding options to prepare citizens in Metro Vancouver for the upcoming referendum.

Earlier this week, I wrote a guest post for their blog.

One of the other interesting characteristics of Surrey is that highways actually circle around the community—Fraser “Highway” is something of a misnomer as it is actually a 50 km/h arterial road—leaving increasingly congested arterial roads as the only option for transit, commercial operators, and other motorist to get to locations throughout Surrey. Surrey’s long-term transportation plan is to complete some “missing link” projects and widen some minor roads, but an auto-oriented transportation network alone will not meet the transportation needs of such rapidly growing communities. This is why Surrey is promoting and investing in getting residents to cycle and walk more, and is working with TransLink to promote transit.

Please check out their website which is starting to build a library of information about transportation and funding options for our region. You can also read my full blog post there.

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